Tropic Hut At Candy Dance

September 23-24, 2006, Genoa, NV

How do you like our new banners and pvc pipe frames?
The now finished stand looks great!  Even if Jarvis does say so himself.
Here comes the famous Candy Dance crowd!
Our Iced Coffee was a big seller at this event.

This is looking west from the Tropic Hut stand.
Here's looking down the path into the park that was across the street from us.
This impressive contraption is a coin stamper.  The heavy steel weight is hoisted up by the pulley, then released to drop with very powerful impact on the coin at the bottom.
One of many art stands shoppers can visit at Candy Dance.
Candy Dance draws amazing crowds.
Carson Valley's only local radio stations, KKFT-FM Talk and KCMY-My Country, were well represented at Candy Dance.  These guys are my buds because I used to work at this station!
Here's Jerry Evans, the owner of radio stations KKFT and KCMY (and my former boss).  Jerry says my Tropic Twister is one darn refreshing drink!